Waiver Eligibility

Scholarly waivers are typically granted to authors who meet certain criteria, such as:

  1. Financial Hardship: The author must demonstrate a genuine financial inability to pay the publication fee. This might include providing documentation of low income, unemployment, or other relevant financial circumstances.
  2. Institutional Support: The author may be eligible for a waiver if their institution is a subscriber to the journal or has a specific agreement in place.
  3. Open Access Policy: Some journals offer waivers for articles that are published under an open access license, making them freely available to the public.
  4. Research Significance: In some cases, the exceptional significance or societal impact of the research may warrant a waiver.

Additional Considerations for MJH

While the above criteria are common, MJH may have additional requirements or limitations for scholarly waivers. Factors to consider might include:

  • Journal Policies: The journal's specific policies regarding waivers should be consulted for detailed information.
  • Geographical Location: Some journals may offer waivers to authors from certain regions or countries.
  • Research Area: The subject matter of the research might influence eligibility for a waiver.