Withdrawal Policy

This policy outlines the procedures and conditions under which authors may withdraw their submitted manuscripts from consideration for publication in the International Journal for Conventional and Non-Conventional Warfare.

Scope: This policy applies to all submitted manuscripts, regardless of their stage of review or acceptance.

Withdrawal Procedures:

  1. Request for Withdrawal: Authors wishing to withdraw their manuscript must submit a written request to the Journal Editor. The request should clearly state the reason for withdrawal and be accompanied by the following:

    • The manuscript's title and author list.
    • The date of submission.
    • The stage of review (e.g., submitted, under review, accepted).
  2. Editorial Decision: Upon receipt of a withdrawal request, the Editor will assess the circumstances and determine whether the withdrawal is appropriate. If the withdrawal is approved, the Editor will notify the corresponding author and initiate the necessary procedures to remove the manuscript from consideration.

  3. Withdrawal Timeline: The Journal will endeavor to process withdrawal requests promptly. However, the timeline may vary depending on the stage of review and the complexity of the withdrawal process.

Conditions for Withdrawal:

  • Prior to Acceptance: Authors may withdraw their manuscripts at any time prior to acceptance without providing a reason.
  • After Acceptance: Authors may withdraw their manuscripts after acceptance under the following circumstances:
    • Ethical Concerns: If the author(s) become aware of serious ethical issues related to the manuscript, they may request withdrawal.
    • Author Consent: If the manuscript was submitted without the consent of all authors, a withdrawal request may be made.
    • Substantial Changes: If the manuscript has undergone significant changes since its submission, the author(s) may request withdrawal and resubmit a revised version.

Consequences of Withdrawal:

  • Publication Ban: If an author repeatedly withdraws manuscripts without a valid reason, the Editor may impose a temporary or permanent publication ban on the author.
  • Ethical Considerations: If a withdrawal is deemed to be unethical or in violation of journal policies, the Editor may take appropriate disciplinary action.

Revisions and Resubmissions:

  • Minor Revisions: If the Editor deems that the manuscript can be improved with minor revisions, the author(s) may be given the opportunity to revise and resubmit.
  • Substantial Revisions: For substantial revisions, the manuscript will be treated as a new submission, subject to the journal's peer review process.

Additional Considerations:

  • Co-Author Agreement: If the manuscript has multiple authors, all co-authors must agree to the withdrawal.
  • Copyright Transfer Agreement: If a copyright transfer agreement has been signed, the author(s) may be required to provide a written release from the copyright holder.