Archiving Policy

This policy outlines the procedures for the long-term preservation and accessibility of the International Journal for Conventional and Non-Conventional Warfare (IJCNCW) and its associated content. The goal is to ensure the journal's scholarly legacy and to provide continued access to its valuable research for future generations.


This policy applies to all content published by the IJCNCW, including:

  • Articles
  • Book reviews
  • Letters to the editor
  • Supplementary materials
  • Journal metadata

Archiving Strategy

The IJCNCW will employ a dual-deposit strategy to ensure the long-term preservation of its content:

  1. Institutional Repository Deposit:

    • All published content will be deposited into a designated institutional repository, such as [Name of Repository].
    • The repository will provide a secure, accessible, and sustainable environment for the preservation of the journal's content.
    • The repository will adhere to established preservation standards, including those outlined by organizations like the Digital Preservation Network (DPN).
  2. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Assignment:

    • Each article will be assigned a unique DOI to ensure its persistent identification and retrieval.
    • The DOI will link to the article's location in the institutional repository.

Preservation and Access Requirements

  • File Formats: Content will be preserved in digital formats that are widely supported and have a long-term preservation potential (e.g., PDF/A, TIFF).
  • Metadata: Comprehensive metadata will be associated with each item to facilitate its discovery, retrieval, and understanding.
  • Access: The journal's content will be made freely and openly accessible to the public, in accordance with the principles of open access.
  • Preservation Checks: Regular preservation checks will be conducted to ensure the integrity and accessibility of the archived content.

Data Curation

  • Quality Control: The journal will maintain quality control measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the published content.
  • Data Management Plans: Authors will be encouraged to provide data management plans for their research, including information on data collection, storage, and sharing.
  • Data Repositories: Where appropriate, research data associated with published articles will be deposited in relevant data repositories.

Migration and Updating

  • Technology Updates: The journal will regularly review and update its archiving infrastructure to accommodate technological advancements and evolving preservation standards.
  • Format Migration: If necessary, content will be migrated to new formats to ensure its long-term accessibility.

Compliance with Standards

The IJCNCW will comply with relevant international standards for digital preservation, such as:

  • ISO 16363:2012: Digital Preservation
  • OAIS (Open Archival Information System) Reference Model

Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect changes in technology, best practices, and legal requirements.