Plagiarism Policy

This policy aims to maintain the integrity of the International Journal for Conventional and Non-Conventional Warfare (IJCNCW) by preventing plagiarism and promoting academic honesty. Plagiarism is a serious offense that undermines the credibility of both the journal and the authors involved. By adhering to this policy, authors commit to ensuring the originality of their work and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in a responsible manner.


  • Plagiarism: The act of presenting another person's ideas, work, or words as one's own, without proper attribution. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Copying text directly from another source without proper citation
    • Paraphrasing or summarizing another source without proper citation
    • Using another person's ideas or arguments without proper attribution
    • Submitting the same work to multiple journals
  • Self-Plagiarism: Reusing portions of one's own previously published work without proper acknowledgment.

Policy Statement

The IJCNCW strictly prohibits plagiarism in all its forms. Authors are expected to:

  1. Original Work: Ensure that all submitted manuscripts are their own original work and have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  2. Proper Citation: Cite all sources used in the manuscript, including direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. The citation style should follow the guidelines specified by the journal.
  3. Permission: Obtain necessary permissions from copyright holders for any copyrighted material used in the manuscript.
  4. Disclosure: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest or competing interests that may have influenced the research or writing of the manuscript.

Consequences of Plagiarism

If an author is found to have plagiarized, the following consequences may apply:

  • Retraction of the Manuscript: The manuscript may be withdrawn from the publication process.
  • Banning from the Journal: The author may be banned from submitting future manuscripts to the IJCNCW.
  • Notification of Institutions: The journal may notify the author's institution or employer about the plagiarism incident.
  • Legal Action: In severe cases, legal action may be taken.

Prevention Measures

  • Author Education: The IJCNCW will provide authors with information and resources on plagiarism prevention and proper citation practices.
  • Plagiarism Detection Software: The journal may use plagiarism detection software to screen submitted manuscripts.
  • Peer Review Process: The peer review process will be conducted rigorously to identify any potential instances of plagiarism.

Appeal Process

Authors who believe they have been wrongly accused of plagiarism may submit an appeal to the journal's editorial board. The appeal will be reviewed by a designated committee, and the decision will be final.