Archiving Policy


The Research Corridor Journal of Engineering Science (RCJE) is committed to preserving its scholarly content for future generations and ensuring its long-term accessibility. This policy outlines the journal's approach to scholarly archiving and preservation, in adherence to international standards and best practices.


This policy applies to all published content in the RCJE, including articles, reviews, letters, and other scholarly materials.

Archiving Objectives

  1. Preservation: To ensure the long-term preservation of the journal's content in a reliable and accessible format.
  2. Accessibility: To provide continued access to the journal's content, even in the event of technological changes or institutional disruptions.
  3. Compliance: To adhere to relevant copyright laws, licensing agreements, and institutional policies.

Archiving Methods

  1. Digital Preservation: The RCJE will primarily employ digital preservation techniques to store and manage its content. This includes:

    • Data Formats: Using open, long-lasting file formats that are suitable for digital preservation, such as PDF/A.
    • Metadata: Creating and maintaining comprehensive metadata records to describe the content, authors, and publication details.
    • Storage: Storing the digital content in a secure, redundant storage infrastructure.
    • Data Migration: Regularly migrating the content to new storage technologies and formats as needed to ensure its longevity.
  2. Print Preservation: As a secondary measure, the RCJE may also consider preserving a limited number of print copies of the journal for archival purposes.

Archiving Responsibilities

  1. Journal Editor: The journal editor is responsible for overseeing the archiving process and ensuring that the policy is followed.
  2. Publisher: The publisher is responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure and resources for digital preservation.
  3. Authors: Authors are encouraged to retain copies of their own work for personal archiving.

Access and Usage

  1. Open Access: The RCJE will strive to make its content freely available to the public through an open access model, whenever possible.
  2. Copyright and Licensing: The journal will comply with applicable copyright laws and licensing agreements. Authors retain copyright of their work, but grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the content.
  3. Preservation Copies: Preservation copies of the journal will be maintained in a restricted access environment to protect their integrity.

Review and Updates

The RCJE will regularly review and update this policy to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.


By adhering to this scholarly archiving policy, the Research Corridor Journal of Engineering Science aims to safeguard its valuable content for future generations and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of engineering science.