Withdrawal Policy

This policy outlines the procedures for authors to withdraw their submitted manuscripts from the review process of the Research Corridor Journal of Engineering Science. The policy aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and timely resolution of withdrawal requests.

Scope: This policy applies to all authors who have submitted manuscripts to the Research Corridor Journal of Engineering Science.

Withdrawal Procedures:

  1. Request for Withdrawal: Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript should submit a written request to the journal's editorial office. The request should include the following:

    • The manuscript's title and author list.
    • The reason for the withdrawal.
    • The author's contact information.
  2. Editorial Review: Upon receipt of a withdrawal request, the editorial office will review it to ensure that the request is valid and meets the criteria outlined in this policy.

  3. Notification of Withdrawal: The editorial office will notify the corresponding author of the decision regarding the withdrawal request. If the request is approved, the manuscript will be withdrawn from the review process and removed from the journal's database.

  4. Withdrawal Timeline: The journal will strive to process withdrawal requests promptly. However, the processing time may vary depending on the stage of the review process.

Reasons for Withdrawal:

Authors may withdraw their manuscripts for various reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Author's Choice: The author may decide to withdraw the manuscript for personal or professional reasons.
  • Ethical Concerns: The author may identify ethical issues or conflicts of interest that warrant withdrawal.
  • Substantial Revisions: The author may need to make substantial revisions to the manuscript that would delay the review process.
  • Duplicate Publication: The author may discover that the manuscript has been published or is under review elsewhere.

Withdrawal and Publication Ethics:

  • Plagiarism: If the manuscript is withdrawn after the review process has begun and the editorial office has reason to believe that it contains plagiarized content, the journal may take appropriate action, including reporting the incident to the relevant authorities.
  • Misconduct: If the author has engaged in research misconduct, the journal may take appropriate action, such as reporting the incident to the relevant institutions.

Withdrawal and Copyright:

  • Copyright Transfer Agreement: If the author has signed a copyright transfer agreement, the withdrawal of the manuscript will not affect the transfer of copyright.
  • Re-submission: Authors who withdraw their manuscripts may resubmit them to the journal at a later time, provided that they adhere to the journal's guidelines and policies.


In exceptional cases, the editorial office may decline a withdrawal request if it believes that doing so would be unfair to the reviewers or other authors involved in the review process.