Waiver Eligibility

Purpose: To outline the criteria for waiving scholarly fees for authors submitting manuscripts to the Research Corridor Journal of Engineering Science.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Institutional Affiliation: Authors affiliated with institutions located in low-income countries or regions, as defined by the World Bank, are eligible for scholarly fee waivers.
  2. Research Focus: Manuscripts that align with the journal's focus on engineering science and contribute significantly to research in areas of global development or sustainable technologies will be given priority for waivers.
  3. Financial Hardship: Authors who can demonstrate significant financial hardship, such as limited research funding or personal circumstances, may be considered for waivers.
  4. Open Access Commitment: The journal strongly encourages authors to choose the open access option to ensure maximum visibility and accessibility of their research. While waivers may be granted for the article processing charge (APC), authors are still expected to comply with any open access requirements, such as copyright transfers or licensing agreements.

Application Process:

  1. Submission of Manuscript: Authors should submit their manuscript to the journal's online submission system, indicating their intention to apply for a scholarly fee waiver.
  2. Supporting Documentation: Along with the manuscript, authors should provide supporting documentation, such as:
    • Proof of institutional affiliation in a low-income country or region
    • Evidence of research focus on global development or sustainable technologies
    • Documentation of financial hardship (if applicable)
  3. Review and Decision: The journal's editorial team will review the application and supporting documentation. Decisions on fee waivers will be made on a case-by-case basis and communicated to the authors within a reasonable timeframe.